LEGO Mindstorms EV3

Bluetooth functionality description

Support of up to 7 connection - either 7 outgoing connections or 1 incoming -> scatter-net not supported

Bluetooth buffer setup

RX side:

Bluetooth socket | –> Bluetooth RxBuf - Fragmented async. data bytes | –> Bluetooth Msg buffer - Collected as complete LEGO protocol messages | –> Com msg buffer - Transferred to com level for interpretation

Tx side:

Com msg buffer | –> Bluetooth Tx Buffer | –> Bluetooth socket

In mode2:


Bluetooth socket | –> Mode2Buf - Fragmented data bytes | –> Mode2InBuf - Fragmented data bytes (c_i2c.c) | –> Transfer to Mode2 decode device | –> READBUF (return bytes from mode 2 device) -> for mode1 decoding | | –> WriteBuf (return bytes from mode 2 device) -> for tx to remote mode 2 device


Mode2WriteBuf | –> Transfer to mode2 decoding | –> WriteBuf (return bytes from mode2 decoding) -> for tx

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