Byte codes:
opOUTPUT_GET_TYPE LAYER NO *TYPE // Get output device type
opOUTPUT_SET_TYPE LAYER NO TYPE // Set output device type
opOUTPUT_RESET LAYER NOS // Reset position (POS=0)
opOUTPUT_STOP LAYER NOS BRAKE // Stop outputs (brake or coast)
opOUTPUT_POWER LAYER NOS POWER // Set power (suspend regulation and positioning)
opOUTPUT_SPEED LAYER NOS SPEED // Set speed (relative to polarity - enables regulation if tacho)
opOUTPUT_START LAYER NOS // Starts outputs from present values
opOUTPUT_POLARITY LAYER NOS POL // Set polarity (0=toggle)
opOUTPUT_READ LAYER NOS *SPEED *STEPS // Read actual speed and steps from last reset
opOUTPUT_READY LAYER NOS // Wait for new action completed or overruled
opOUTPUT_POSITION LAYER NOS POS // Set position (absolute from last reset)
opOUTPUT_STEP_POWER LAYER NOS POWER STEP1 STEP2 STEP3 BRAKE // Set all parameters, start if not started and power != 0
opOUTPUT_TIME_POWER LAYER NOS POWER TIME1 TIME2 TIME3 BRAKE // Set all parameters, start if not started and power != 0
opOUTPUT_STEP_SPEED LAYER NOS SPEED STEP1 STEP2 STEP3 BRAKE // Set all parameters, start if not started and power != 0
opOUTPUT_TIME_SPEED LAYER NOS SPEED TIME1 TIME2 TIME3 BRAKE // Set all parameters, start if not started and power != 0
opOUTPUT_STEP_SYNC LAYER NOS SPEED TURN STEP BRAKE // Set all parameters, start if not started and power != 0
opOUTPUT_TIME_SYNC LAYER NOS SPEED TURN TIME BRAKE // Set all parameters, start if not started and power != 0
opOUTPUT_CLR_COUNT LAYER NOS // Clears the tacho count used when in sensor mode
opOUTPUT_GET_COUNT LAYER NO *STEPS // Gets the tacho count used in sensor mode
LAYER DATA8 [0..3] // USB chain layer (0=Master, 1=Slave1)
NO DATA8 [0..3] // Output port number
TYPE DATA8 [0..255] // Output device type (0=none)
NOS DATA8 [0x00..0x0F] // Bit field representing output 1 to 4 (0x01, 0x02, 0x04, 0x08)
BRAKE DATA8 [0..1] // Output state after stop (0=Coast, 1=Brake)
POWER DATA8 [+-0..100%] // Power relative to polarity
SPEED DATA8 [+-0..100%] // Speed relative to polarity (0->BRAKE=1)
STEPS DATA32 [+-0..MAX] // Steps in degrees (0=infinite)
POL DATA8 [+-0..1] // Polarity +-1, 0=toggle (multiplied to SPEED and POWER)
POS DATA32 [+-0..MAX] // Steps in degrees (0=infinite)
STEP1 DATA32 [0..MAX] // Steps used to ramp up
STEP2 DATA32 [0..MAX] // Steps used for constant speed
STEP3 DATA32 [0..MAX] // Steps used to ramp down
TIME1 DATA32 [0..MAX] // Time [mS] to ramp up
TIME2 DATA32 [0..MAX] // Time [mS] for constant speed
TIME3 DATA32 [0..MAX] // Time [mS] to ramp down
TURN DATA16 [-200..200] // Turn ratio between two syncronized motors
* Speed -100 to +100 is move forward or move backwards
* Turn ratio is how tight you turn and to what direction you turn
* - 0 value is moving straight forward
* - Negative values turns to the left
* - Positive values turns to the right
* - Value -100 stops the left motor
* - Value +100 stops the right motor
* - Values less than -100 makes the left motor run the opposite
* direction of the right motor (Spin)
* - Values greater than +100 makes the right motor run the opposite
* direction of the left motor (Spin)
* Example: opOUTPUT_TIME_SYNC(0, 10, 100, 50, 10000,1)
* 0 = Layer
* 10 = Motor bit field - Motor B and D
* 100 = Motor speed - Motor B will run at speed 100 (because ratio is positive)
* 10 = Turn ratio - Motor D will run at speed 50
* 10000 = time in mS - Motors will run for 10 sec.
* 1 = Brake bit - When 10 sec. has elapsed then brake both motors
* Example: opOUTPUT_TIME_SYNC(0, 10, 100, 150, 10000,1)
* 0 = Layer
* 10 = Motor bit field - Motor B and D
* 100 = Motor speed - Motor B will run at speed 100 (because ratio is positive)
* 10 = Turn ratio - Motor D will run at speed -50
* 10000 = time in mS - Motors will run for 10 sec.
* 1 = Brake bit - When 10 sec. has elapsed then brake both motors
* Example: opOUTPUT_TIME_SYNC(0, 10, 100, -50, 10000,1)
* 0 = Layer
* 10 = Motor bit field - Motor B and D
* 100 = Motor speed - Motor B will run at speed 50 (because ratio is positive)
* 10 = Turn ratio - Motor D will run at speed 100
* 10000 = time in mS - Motors will run for 10 sec.
* 1 = Brake bit - When 10 sec. has elapsed then brake both motors
* Example: opOUTPUT_TIME_SYNC(0, 10, 200, -150, 10000,1)
* 0 = Layer
* 10 = Motor bit field - Motor B and D
* 100 = Motor speed - Motor B will run at speed -50 (because ratio is positive)
* 10 = Turn ratio - Motor D will run at speed 100
* 10000 = time in mS - Motors will run for 10 sec.
* 1 = Brake bit - When 10 sec. has elapsed then brake both motors