On a Windows PC open the "Command prompt"
Create a new folder in your "root" directory and go there:
cd \
mkdir \myapps
cd \myapps
Create a file called "helloworld.lms":
notepad helloworld.lms
Key in the following source code:
vmthread MAIN
UI_DRAW(FILLWINDOW,0x00,0,0) // Clear screen
UI_DRAW(TEXT,FG_COLOR,10,50,'hello world') // Write "hello world" at 10,50 (X,Y)
UI_DRAW(UPDATE) // Show the stuff
UI_BUTTON(WAIT_FOR_PRESS) // Wait for button press
Save and quit
Navigate to the "lmsasm" folder and
Compile the file with following command (may need adjustment for where "java.exe" is located):
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre7\bin\java.exe" -jar assembler.jar "C:\myapps\helloworld"
A file called "helloworld.rbf" should appear in your "myapps" folder.
Move your "myapps" folder to the root directory on a SD card.
Insert the SD card into the EV3 slot.
Navigate to the "SD_Card/myapps" folder on EV3 and start "helloworld"