LEGO Mindstorms EV3

Communication Test Cases

To be able to follow the development of the communication system and benchmark the performance some test cases are defined. These test cases will give reproducible results for all involved.

Case 1. Direct Command to Brick without hardware intervention response:

          Move 32 bit constant to global variable (response buffer)

            Byte codes:                         opMOVE32_32,LC4(1),GV0(0)
                                                         \    /      \
                                                          \  /        \
            Hex values send to brick:       0C00xxxx0004003A830100000060
                                                      32 bit value copied to response
            Hex values received from brick: 0700xxxx0201000000


LEGO® Robotics Firmware Documentation
Confidential Information © 2013 The LEGO Group