![]() | LEGO Mindstorms EV3 |
When a program is started the animated run screen will appear as default. First time a graphical byte code is used - the screen will stop and the program can take over and fully control the screen drawing and updating. USE SCREEN FOR GRAPHICS ----------------------- opUI_DRAW,LC0(FILLWINDOW),LC0(0),LC0(0),LC0(0) (clear entire screen by filling it with zero - background color) opUI_DRAW, - - - - - - opUI_DRAW, - - - - - - opUI_DRAW, - - - - - - (draw graphical stuff on the screen) opUI_DRAW,LC0(UPDATE) (show the stuff by updating the screen) RESTORE RUN SCREEN ------------------ opUI_WRITE,LC0(INIT_RUN) (enable the animated run screen)
It is possible to read and get informations from an output port in the same manner as for an input port - only the port number differs - they starts with 16. (PORTA = 16, PORTB = 17, PORTC = 18 and PORTD = 19) READ MOTOR TACHO COUNT ---------------------- opINPUT_DEVICE,LC0(READY_SI),LC0(0),LC0(16),LC0(0),LC0(0),LC0(1),LV0(0) ---- (reads si from "LAYER 0" "PORTA" "default type" "mode 0" into "local variable 0") READ MOTOR SPEED ---------------- opINPUT_DEVICE,LC0(READY_SI),LC0(0),LC0(19),LC0(0),LC0(2),LC0(1),LV0(0) ---- --- (reads si from "LAYER 0" "PORTD" "default type" "mode 2" into "local variable 0")
Program variable change before start
NORMAL START OF A PROGRAM ------------------------- Direct commands: // Get image from file opFILE,LC0(LOAD_IMAGE),LC0(USER_SLOT),LCS,'.','.','/','a','p','p','s','/','t','s','t','/','t','s','t',0,LV0(0),LV0(4), // Prepare image for run and start VM threat automatically (object 1) opPROGRAM_START,LC0(USER_SLOT),LV0(0),LV0(4),LC0(0), --- CHANGE GLOBAL VARIABLE 2 BEFORE STARTING A PROGRAM -------------------------------------------------- Direct commands: // Get image from file opFILE,LC0(LOAD_IMAGE),LC0(USER_SLOT),LCS,'.','.','/','a','p','p','s','/','t','s','t','/','t','s','t',0,LV0(0),LV0(4), // Prepare image for run and set program (USER_SLOT) waiting opPROGRAM_START,LC0(USER_SLOT),LV0(0),LV0(4),LC0(2), --- // Init direct command local variable 0 with 1 opINIT_BYTES,LV0(0),LC0(1),LC0(1), // Write direct command local variable 0 to waiting program (USER_SLOT) global variable 2 opMEMORY_WRITE,LC0(USER_SLOT),LC0(0),LC0(2),LC0(0),LV0(0), // Start VM thread (object 1) in waiting program (USER_SLOT) opPROGRAM_INFO,LC0(OBJ_START),LC0(USER_SLOT),LC0(1),
String Initialisation and Functions
STRINGS IN VM MEMORY -------------------- Strings are located in the VM's normal global or local variabel space as other DATA8 variables and referenced by the variabel (start) number. Enough room must be ensured by allocating the next variabel on a suitable distance (string length) ahead. Examples: // Allocate space for variables #define String1 LV0(0) // String 1 size is maximum 5 characters + zero termination #define String2 LV0(6) // String 2 size is maximum 14 characters + zero termination #define Dummy LV0(21) // Next variable // Initialise string variabel 1 with a string constant opSTRING,LC0(DUPLICATE),LCS,'L','E','G','O',0,String1, // Initialise string variabel 2 with a another string constant opSTRING,LC0(DUPLICATE),LCS,'M','i','n','d','s','t','o','r','m','s',0,String2, // Preform SUBCALL with three string parameters opCALL,LC0(MYSUB),LC0(3),String1,String2,String2, // MYSUB byte codes (checks first string if it is "LEGO" and then adds second string to it) #define In1 LV0(0) // String In1 size is maximum 20 characters + zero termination #define In2 LV0(21) // String In2 size is maximum 20 characters + zero termination #define Out LV1(42) // String Out size is maximum 20 characters + zero termination #define Result LV1(63) // Result for compare 0x03,IN_S,(21),IN_S,(21),OUT_S,(21), // MYSUB(In1,In2,Out) // { opSTRING,LC0(COMPARE),In1,LCS,'L','E','G','O',0,Result, // STRING(COMPARE,In1,"LEGO",Result) opJR_FALSE,Result,LC0(6), // if (Result != 0) // { opSTRING,LC0(ADD),In1,In2,Out, // STRING(ADD,In1,In2,Out) // } opRETURN, // } opOBJECT_END, // Numbers in parantheses is the string size allocated in the SUBCALLs local variables ! CHARACTERS IN ARRAYS -------------------- Strings can be allocated as DATA8 arrays and referenced by the array handle. Enough room must be ensured making the array so large than it can hold the maximal string length inclusive zero termination (it is possible to resize an array manually). Examples: // Allocate space for variables (array handle must use long encoding for later handle encoding) #define String1 LV1(0) // String 1 is an array handle #define String2 LV1(1) // String 2 is an array handle opARRAY,LC0(CREATE8),LC0(100),String1, // Length: 100 characters (including zero termination) opARRAY,LC0(CREATE8),LC0(100),String2, // Length: 100 characters (including zero termination) // Initialise string variabel 1 with a string constant through system call opSTRING,LC0(DUPLICATE),LCS,'L','E','G','O',0,HND(String1), // Preform SUBCALL with Two array handles opCALL,LC0(MY_STRING_COPY),LC0(2),String1,String2, // Defining SUBCALL for array handle parameter #define In1 LV1(0) #define Out1 LV1(1) 0x02,IN_8,IO_8, // MY_STRING_COPY (out handles must be in/out 8) // { opSTRING,LC0(DUPLICATE),HND(In1),HND(Out1), // STRING(DUPLICATE,&In1,&Out1) opRETURN, // } opOBJECT_END,