LEGO Mindstorms EV3

Battery Indicator

The battery indicator is located in the top right corner of the display and is updated when the display is updated and the "TopLine" is enabled (and at least every 400 mS). The range from BATT_INDICATOR_LOW to BATT_INDICATOR_HIGH is divided into three pictures and the appropriate one is shown: an empty battery when the voltage is below or equal to BATT_INDICATOR_LOW and a full battery when the voltage is above or equal to BATT_INDICATOR_HIGH. If a rechargeable accu is used the ranges ACCU_INDICATOR_LOW and ACCU_INDICATOR_HIGH is used.

                          |    Full battery picture
  XXXX_INDICATOR_HIGH     -         -         -         -
                          |    Three/fourth full battery picture
                          -         -         -         -
                          |    Half full battery picture
                          -         -         -         -
                          |    One/fourth full battery picture
  XXXX_INDICATOR_LOW      -         -         -         -
                          |    Empty battery picture


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